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Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Inverloch - Dusk Subside (Relapse, 2012)

Track Listing:

1. Within Frozen Beauty (7.13)
2. The Menin Road (6.21)
3. Shadows Of The Flame (8.44)

Synopsis: Disembowelment were such a great band, and a major part of my initiation into doom, so it was a foregone conclusion that I would be purchasing the first release of Inverloch, a band with strong ties to that group. In light of this connection and pedigree I can gladly say that "Dusk Subside" is exactly what I hoped to hear. Whilst there are obviously clear links to Disembowelment in the slower, doomier moments it wouldn't be fair to only view them in this context as Inverloch are an entity in their own right. Dark, heavy and aggressive these three songs show so much promise and the only possible gripe is the duration, or lack thereof, so I can only hope that there will be more to come, sooner rather than later.

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